If you’re thinking about suicide, 9-8-8 is here to help. Call or text Suicide Crisis Helpline at 9-8-8 toll-free, anytime.

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CMHA National

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Help Yourself. Help Others.


Sold Out

Demand has been so great that all 150 packages have been SOLD OUT!!

Thank you for your support Niagara!

Sharing is caring

From August 11 until September 6 (or while quantities last!), when you purchase a $50 self-care package (retail value of over $125), not only do you get a fantastic collection of curated products to make you feel your best, but all proceeds are being donated to CMHA Niagara!

When you purchase a self-care package, you help also help others feel better. The package includes the following product selection:

Purchase your package today from Guest Services at Outlet Collection.



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