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Feeling low? Stressed? Anxious?

BounceBack can help. For those struggling with low mood, worry, stress, or mild to moderate depression or anxiety, you can look to the Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA’s) free skill-building program BounceBack®: Reclaim your health. Through one-on-one telephone coaching and online videos offered in multiple languages, adults and youth 15+ learn skills to help manage worry and anxiety, combat unhelpful thinking and become more active and assertive – all from the comfort of their home.

To access the program, you will need a referral from a primary care provider (family doctor, nurse practitioner), psychiatrist, or client self-referral, so long as you’re connected with a primary care provider. Once a referral is submitted, you will be contacted by a BounceBack coach within five business days to conduct an information session about the program and ensure it’s the right fit.

While you wait for your telephone coaching sessions to begin, you can access our free online videos. These videos will provide you with practical tips on managing mood, sleeping better, problem-solving, and more. The videos are available in English, French, Arabic, Farsi, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Punjabi. To access the videos, visit bouncebackvideo.ca and enter this access code: bbtodayon.

When you’re ready for your telephone coaching sessions to begin, your BounceBack coach will support you as you work through a series of skill-building workbooks. You and your coach can choose from 20 workbook topics, 12 topics from shorter or condensed booklets, and nine topics from booklets geared to youth 15-18. Your coach is also there to provide you with motivation, monitor your progress and safety, and answer any questions. Coaches are extensively trained in the delivery of the program and are overseen by clinical psychologists. They also receive training in LGBTQ+ equity and trauma-informed care. The BounceBack program is also reviewed to ensure our processes and materials are culturally sensitive and inclusive. As coaches are not counsellors or therapists, your primary care provider will maintain responsibility for your overall care while you’re in the program.

To get started or to access our online referral form, visit: bouncebackontario.ca.

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