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World Suicide Prevention Day: September 10

World Suicide Prevention Day Sept. 10

September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day.

Join the Niagara Suicide Prevention Coalition (NSPC) to recognize World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD), which is recognized globally each year on September 10th. Help raise awareness about WSPD and to engage in the conversation about suicide by participating in the events listed below. According to statistics from Niagara Region Public  Health (2019), in Niagara someone dies by suicide every 9 days. Suicide prevention is everyone’s responsibility.

Participate in the conversation for World Suicide Prevention Day by participating in the: 16th Annual Distress Centre Niagara Suicide Prevention Walk on September 10th, 2021 at 6:30pm at Market Square in St. Catharines. Be sure stop by the Canadian Mental Health Association information booth!

Check out their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/s/16th-annual-suicide[1]awareness-/189616186485960/ or contact them at [email protected] for more details.

Join the NSPC lunch and learn webinar on September 15th , 2021 from 12-1 p.m. to continue the conversation about suicide prevention in Niagara.

For more information or to register, please visit https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/world-suicide-prevention[1]day-webinar-tickets-165962533405

Learn about current statistics in the Niagara Region by watching and sharing the Niagara Suicide Prevention Coalition Community Awareness Video and Suicide and Self-Harm Infographic (below)


Suicide in Niagara stats

Read Niagara Suicide Prevention Coalition’s brochure

Encourage others to seek help by connecting with Niagara’s 24-hour local crisis lines by contacting:

Learn more about helping someone who may be considering suicide at: https://ontario.cmha.ca/news/how-to-help-someone-thinking-about-suicide/


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