
Resource on using social media to benefit your mental health
Feb 11, 2021
CMHA joins educators, industry professionals and the community worldwide in acknowledging Safer Internet Day (Feb.9), which aims to create both a safer and a better internet, where everyone is empowered to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.
When it comes to new technologies, one of the biggest concerns with regards to mental health is the excessive use of social media. While social media use can help decrease feelings of isolation and loneliness, it can also alter our mood, motivation and concentration. Research shows that constantly checking social media sites can increase feelings of inadequacy and depression, as well as anxiety around the fear of missing out.
To help, CMHA Ontario’s BounceBack program created a resource with strategies to use social media to benefit your mental health. Filled with practical tips on how to engage mindfully, this tip sheet aims to help everyone reap the benefits of social media without being impacted by the risks.
For more information, download the resource from the CMHA Ontario website.