Community partners under one roof
Apr 15, 2019
Canadian Mental Health Association Niagara, Niagara Health open new shared location
A new shared location for two community partners is being heralded as a “beacon of hope” for people seeking mental health and addictions support in Niagara.
On Monday, Canadian Mental Health Association Niagara and Niagara Health held an open house at 264 Welland Ave. in St. Catharines to celebrate the new partnership.
The new location will open for client care on Tuesday, April 16.
Niagara Health services moving to 264 Welland Ave. are Men’s and Women’s Withdrawal Management (Detox), ABC (A Better Choice), the Out and About Methadone Clinic and Hepatitis C Satellite Clinic.
All Canadian Mental Health Association St Catharines programs and services, including the Safe Beds Program and Urgent Support Services, will also be provided at the new location.
Partnering under one roof will improve care and access to mental health and addiction services for Niagara residents. The purposely renovated space is brighter and larger and will provide a safer environment and fully accessible programs and services for clients.
“CMHA is proud to be part of this innovative and collaborative partnership which will more effectively meet the needs of individuals in our community,” says Tara McKendrick, Executive Director of CMHA, Niagara Branch. “It has only been possible due to the support of our Boards, our staff, our community partners and feedback received from clients and their families, and we look forward to opening for service.”
“We are honoured to partner with Canadian Mental Health Association Niagara on this truly unique approach to care. Our new location is a beacon of hope for the people who we serve,” says Linda Boich, Niagara Health’s Executive Vice-President, Quality, Community Development and Mental Health and Addictions. “It’s also an excellent example of partners working together to make it easier for people to navigate the system and better connect them with the treatment and support they need.”
We encourage the community to contact the Mental Health and Addictions Access Line if they have questions about mental health and addictions programs in Niagara. The Access Line has information on more than 100 programs in Niagara, and they can be reached 24/7 at 1-866-550-5205.