I’m Looking for Information
Jan 9, 2022
Agencies and organizations in Niagara have responded to the need to collaborate to provide centralized access approaches that help individuals by providing one place where you or someone in your circle can find support and be directed to the most appropriate services available.
Access Line works with and refers individuals to mental health and addiction agencies which provide nearly 100 programs across the region.
Mental Health and Addictions Access Line
The Mental Health and Addictions Access Line is a free, 100% confidential telephone support service. If you, a family member, or friend is in need, call ACCESS line at 1-866-550-5205. A member of their supportive, trained staff will provide immediate support and guidance to help you find the support you need. They will talk with you to identify your unique needs and if necessary, connect you with a member of the collaborating network of mental health and addiction service providers which consists of 16 fully-vetted services so that you receive more specialized assistance. If you are transferred to a member of this network, a referral will be submitted and follow up with the agency will be made on your behalf to ensure a connection has been made with you. Community access workers and team leaders support volunteers, follow up with agencies, provide community awareness and collaborate with partners to enhance and personalize your experience for accessing mental health and addictions services. Callers get immediate access to supportive, trained responders who will provide information, connection to local services, support and follow up. Call Access Line at 1-866-550-5205.